26 January 2010

Nope we’re NOT Flooded….

For our left-coast and out-of-town family, you may have been seeing our local flooding on the news.  Basically we had a 55F day with 3-inches of rain and lots of snowmelt combine to make a mess.  I thought I’d let everyone know we’re dry and show a few photos of the Susquehanna river.  It’s not nearly as bad as we’ve seen in the past, but still impressive.

Photo 1 shows a view from the east side of the dike.  I cover both sides of the river on my lunch-run.  In the foreground I typically run next to the furthest trees out into the river and on the opposite side I run along the larger trees.  As you can see both are well under water.  Photo 2 shows the view from my office window with the local press vehicles doing the noon news and Photo 3 shows the view looking south at the new Millennium Circle project and the Market St Bridge.  It’s hard to see in the photo but the portal gates are both closed.

FloodJan2010a FloodJan2010b

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