17 March 2010

Savannah GA – Well…well…well….

Carolyn and I just returned from the service learning trip we chaperoned to Savannah GA.  This is an alternative Spring Break trip and we hosted 11 Misericordia University students as we all worked in the Georgia Infirmary and St. Mary’s Community Center.  It was a really nice trip and the people we met and worked with were amazing.

Here are a few photos from the trip…details at the bottom.

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  1. Our entire group at the Georgia Infirmary.
  2. Our Group at the Mercy Volunteer House dinner with Jenny, Tene, Mary & Kat.
  3. Carolyn and I on the 16th St Pier at Tybee Island Beach.
  4. Playing with shaving cream with the St. Mary’s Community Center day care class.
  5. Carolyn with some of out little “students".
  6. Me playing with two of the little cuties.
  7. Our home for the weeks, Isle of Hope Methodist Church (and boy do they make a mean vegetarian dinner!)
  8. Spanish Moss on the Live Oaks outside my bedroom window.
  9. My sleeping quarters, yes that’s the floor and no there wasn’t much hot water for 13 people.
  10. Isle of Hope youth ministry building (where we lived.)
  11. Magnolia trees in full bloom, smothered by Spanish Moss.
  12. River St. in downtown Savannah.

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Amber said...

How did you come up with Beebers.com?

beebers said...

beebers is the name of one of our cats....just curious why you ask??

Amber said...

Beebers was my nickname growing up. I just typed it in a search the other day and your website came up. Are you from near the Savannah area?

beebers said...

Funny....I heard there is also a band named beebers...beebers is the gray colored kitty you can see in our header. No we were visiting Savannah. We're from PA.

Amber said...

Well I guess I am not the only Beebers then. I live in GA about 100 miles from Savannah.

beebers said...

Funny because it was honestly a word I made up as a nickname for our kitty...I went out and bought beebers.com and a few other beebers addresses too.

We loved Savannah and the area around it and the people were incredibly friendly. I hope we get to visit again sometime.