08 October 2009

How Many Corns?

I’ll have to explain this post title in person some time, but needless to say Carolyn is laughing right now as she reads it.  Turns out this post isn’t so much about buying corn-on-the-cob in OBX, but more about the amazing crop of Acorns we’ve had this year.  They started falling in mid-August and are still going strong.  We actually had to blow them off the driveway and decks several times in two days so no one fell at our happy hour.  They say that mother nature provides lots of acorns for her little squirrels when the upcoming winter will be harsh.  If this is true we’re about to have a rockin’ winter season.  Below you can have a peek at our driveway and the pile depth on our patio.  Anyone need any acorns?

Acorn2 Acorn4

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