13 December 2009
Watching the Grass Grow
You know what they say....it's like watching the grass grow. But how many of us have ever stopped to wonder what that's actually like. Of course I did. So now for your viewing pleasure and courtesy of Ebi & Zooy and their private little salad bar, I present, Watching Grass Grow.
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30 November 2009
Summer to Winter – Before and After
We had a lot of fun doing the Summer to Winter 2009 movie below. I know it’s hard to really see any one photo in detail because they move by so fast so I decided to post up a few frames so you can see the Before and After photos and they sit still long enough to see them. I also thought you’d get a kick out of a few interesting pictures. In order below we have: 1) the first day 7 Sept 2009, 2) the last day 21 Nov 2009, 3) a foggy morning (the camera didn’t move…that’s heavy fog), 4) the fall colors nearing their peak, 5) an odd cloud formation that moved through very quickly, 6) the fall colors fade and drop, 7) a pink sky sunset, 8) a foggy pink sunrise.
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28 November 2009
Harveys Lake - Summer Changes to Winter
I've been working on this movie for over three months and I think it came out pretty cool. This movie was built on a time-lapse photo scheme of one picture per hour for about 3-months (about 2000 pictures) and it shows Harvey's Lake transitioning from summer to winter.
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11 November 2009
Greenhouse Fun – Thanksgiving Day Cactus
For those that wanted the “after” shot of the Thanksgiving Cactus in bloom…here it is today.
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01 November 2009
Greenhouse Fun
As the weather turns cold and dreary, and daylight savings time turns 5PM into darkness, it’s always nice to see some plants that are actually happy with the weather. Now I know they are happy with the weather inside the greenhouse, but nonetheless they are happy…and so too are we because of it. I present for your viewing pleasure what we affectionately call our Halloween Cactus (formerly known as our Thanksgiving cactus and our Christmas cactus) about to break bloom in a BIG way, and Carolyn’s Jade, about to flower for the first time ever. We’ve never seen ANY of our Jade flower so this is a first.
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13 October 2009
Greenhouse Houdini
Harry Houdini and David Copperfield have nothing on our greenhouse….Now You See It….Now You Don’t!
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08 October 2009
How Many Corns?
I’ll have to explain this post title in person some time, but needless to say Carolyn is laughing right now as she reads it. Turns out this post isn’t so much about buying corn-on-the-cob in OBX, but more about the amazing crop of Acorns we’ve had this year. They started falling in mid-August and are still going strong. We actually had to blow them off the driveway and decks several times in two days so no one fell at our happy hour. They say that mother nature provides lots of acorns for her little squirrels when the upcoming winter will be harsh. If this is true we’re about to have a rockin’ winter season. Below you can have a peek at our driveway and the pile depth on our patio. Anyone need any acorns?
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30 September 2009
20 September 2009
Fall Sneaks into the Greenhouse
As fall starts to creep up on us and cooler temperatures arrive, I thought I’d post up a few pictures from the greenhouse. In order; we have our recently planted cucumbers in flower, a close-up of our big San Pedro cactus thorns and two pictures of the star of the show. Our Punai Lava orchid recently spiked and produced some amazing tiny flowers. It’s hard to get perspective on these photos, but the flowers are about the size of a fingernail…and a small one at that. Enjoy!
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06 September 2009
Labor Day 2009 @ The Lake
Labor Day is always a time of celebration at the lake. I’m never sure if we all celebrate the end of summer, or the locals celebrate the end of tourist season, but there are fireworks and boat parades and all sorts of fun. With our new toy in hand, I set out in the darkness to document the event in my own way. I present to you Labor Day 2009 !
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05 September 2009
01 September 2009
29 August 2009
Fruits of Our Labor
I just wanted to show off some of the fruits of our greenhouse labor. We’ve harvested and pickled about 10 cucumbers already, we’ve grown lots of salad mix, the garlic is growing well and we have about 10 tomatoes so far, with new seeds recently planted. This is a very experimental year for us and we’ve learned quite a bit that will help us next year. We’re very proud that everything is grown from seed, and we’ve been harvesting many of our own seeds for next season. We’re also extremely proud that because of our seed starts and our greenhouse, we managed to avoid the blight that wiped out the cucumber and tomato crops at just about every local farm. So here’s a peek at one vine tomato and one roma.
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22 August 2009
OBX 2009 - The Movie
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12 August 2009
06 August 2009
OBX 2009 – It’s Here!
We’re about a week away from heading down to OBX for another week in paradise. Since I can’t wait to get there, I thought I’d post some photos of our house.
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03 August 2009
19 July 2009
Greenhouse Geraniums - Two Weeks
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11 July 2009
Harvey's Lake - Sunrise
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08 July 2009
Kebbe Wins 1st Place
Here’s a little picture of Kelly on Kelos Old Gold taking first place at the Hope Lock Farms mock show. Next stop…Kentucky Derby! (I’m kidding….we’re very proud of you Kebbe).
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05 July 2009
Harveys Lake - Summer Sunday
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Harvey’s Lake – Around we go.
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Happy 4th of July – The Dark Version
I’ve been wanting to show off our new toy and some of the tricks it can do, so I thought I’d use the 4th of July as an excuse to post a photo or two. Here’s a peek at some of the fireworks around the lake, and a moonlit view of some of the docks after the festivities were over.
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02 July 2009
Encinitas 2009 – The Photos
Some of these photos were in the movie below, but I wanted to post up a few anyway. In order, we have the Coastal Hwy (Rt 101) in downtown Encinitas, Moonlight Beach looking north, Nighttime @ Moonlight Beach and finally….Yes it does rain in Southern California.
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17 June 2009
Kelly & George

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01 June 2009
09 May 2009
16 April 2009
01 April 2009
18 January 2009
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17 January 2009
Laundry Nirvana

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03 January 2009
Eagles come to Harvey's Lake

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