12 October 2008

Greenhouse Progress...We Have the Heat

It's been a while since we checked in with some greenhouse progress. Ironically enough, we've done nothing but greenhouse work all summer as far as house-work is concerned. As you can see we've added some shelves and moved some test plants out, and the big progress is heat. We've added a 35K BTU propane heater and a 5K electric heater. We've spent weeks building the mounting rack, and working out the propane line...and now we're ready for the cold season. Only propane prices and our budget will dictate how long we keep the greenhouse active this winter. I'll post a few pictures later. Right now we're trying to balance 100+ degree days and 45-degree nights...so no propane heat yet and auto-venting still on. Cooling during the day and heating during the night....quite a challenge.
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Kelly said...

Good to finally hear from you! It's been awhile since you posted anything, I was getting quite worried that I was going to have to start bugging you soon. ;)

Can't wait to see more pictures of the greenhouse!

beebers said...

Yea I know...ditto to you Miss blog....We really haven't done much that is blog-worthy...or better yet we've had all sorts of busy weekends doing too much to find the time. Hopefully we'll have some photos from germany in a few weeks to post. Anything up??