30 November 2009

Summer to Winter – Before and After

We had a lot of fun doing the Summer to Winter 2009 movie below.  I know it’s hard to really see any one photo in detail because they move by so fast so I decided to post up a few frames so you can see the Before and After photos and they sit still long enough to see them.  I also thought you’d get a kick out of a few interesting pictures.  In order below we have:  1) the first day 7 Sept 2009, 2) the last day 21 Nov 2009, 3) a foggy morning (the camera didn’t move…that’s heavy fog), 4) the fall colors nearing their peak, 5) an odd cloud formation that moved through very quickly, 6) the fall colors fade and drop, 7) a pink sky sunset, 8) a foggy pink sunrise.









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28 November 2009

Harveys Lake - Summer Changes to Winter

I've been working on this movie for over three months and I think it came out pretty cool. This movie was built on a time-lapse photo scheme of one picture per hour for about 3-months (about 2000 pictures) and it shows Harvey's Lake transitioning from summer to winter.

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11 November 2009

Greenhouse Fun – Thanksgiving Day Cactus

XmasCactusBloomNov2009For those that wanted the “after” shot of the Thanksgiving Cactus in bloom…here it is today.

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01 November 2009

Greenhouse Fun

As the weather turns cold and dreary, and daylight savings time turns 5PM into darkness, it’s always nice to see some plants that are actually happy with the weather.  Now I know they are happy with the weather inside the greenhouse, but nonetheless they are happy…and so too are we because of it.  I present for your viewing pleasure what we affectionately call our Halloween Cactus (formerly known as our Thanksgiving cactus and our Christmas cactus) about to break bloom in a BIG way, and Carolyn’s Jade, about to flower for the first time ever.  We’ve never seen ANY of our Jade flower so this is a first.

XmasCactusNov2009 JadeFlowerNov2009

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