19 July 2009

Greenhouse Geraniums - Two Weeks

Here's another little movie I made with our new toy. In this one we see two weeks in the life of a greenhouse Geranium, condensed into a 20-second movie. Notice the changing weather and the other plants popping up around the Geranium as it flowers. If you like this one, stay tuned in a few weeks for the one I'm working on now.

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11 July 2009

Harvey's Lake - Sunrise

Here's a re-post...I realized the previous soapbox-style movie wasn't working for some people.

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08 July 2009

Kebbe Wins 1st Place

Here’s a little picture of Kelly on Kelos Old Gold taking first place at the Hope Lock Farms mock show.  Next stop…Kentucky Derby! (I’m kidding….we’re very proud of you Kebbe).


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05 July 2009

Harveys Lake - Summer Sunday

For those unfamiliar, this is the "Reader's Digest" version of what a summer Sunday is like at the lake. Enjoy...

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Harvey’s Lake – Around we go.

Here’s another little peek at some of the tricks we can do with the new toy. This is actually a series I took back in April when we returned from Spokane, but didn’t have the computing power necessary to crunch it all together until I replaced my laptop last week. You’ll need to scroll, but you’re looking from the point of our deck full circle, with the house and deck included.


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Happy 4th of July – The Dark Version

I’ve been wanting to show off our new toy and some of the tricks it can do, so I thought I’d use the 4th of July as an excuse to post a photo or two.  Here’s a peek at some of the fireworks around the lake, and a moonlit view of some of the docks after the festivities were over.

DSCN4530 DSCN4543

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02 July 2009

Encinitas 2009 – The Photos

Some of these photos were in the movie below, but I wanted to post up a few anyway.  In order, we have the Coastal Hwy (Rt 101) in downtown Encinitas, Moonlight Beach looking north, Nighttime @ Moonlight Beach and finally….Yes it does rain in Southern California.

Encinitas2009 010 Encinitas2009 016
Encinitas2009 045 Encinitas2009 040

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