20 August 2008

Wife Caught Cheating with the Bex!

I'm sad to report that the paparazzi apparently captured a picture of my wife cavorting with David Beckham on the beach in North Carolina. I'm even more sad to report that she proudly posed with the Bex in front of our Wedding House on the very sand where we were married 4-years ago this Sat!
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17 August 2008

Back from OBX

It's always a tough transition to go from a week filled with eating and drinking in excess, to cold hard normality. Fortunately we have an 8-hour drive to help smooth out the shift. Yes we're home again with nothing but a suntan and some left over candy to show for our week in paradise. It was a very (add a few additional 'verys' here) good week...and it went all too fast. Despite grabbing vacation by the horns on Saturday and Sunday, the week slipped by un-noticed and our yearly journey to heaven is over until Aug 2009. Thanks to everyone for the sunsets, beers, hot-tubs, puzzles, music, candy, conversations, sandy-toes, salty-swims, unadulterated sun, wide white beaches, and pure blue skies....Cheers OBX 2008.

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