29 July 2008

Counting the Days.....OBX 2008

For those of us that will soon be spending a week in paradise....I thought I'd post up a little teaser....I can't wait!

Click HERE for a little LIVE peek.

Click HERE for a little traffic peek.

Click HERE for a little weather peek.
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20 July 2008

Summer @ the Lake and the Greenhouse Tour

It's been incredible weather at the lake, day after day in the 90's and blue skies. I thought I'd do a quick movie to show everyone not only the summer at the lake, but also what we've been doing all summer....building a greenhouse.

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Meow and meow on a hot summer meow...

It's been hot. So imagine if you will wearing a fur coat year round on a 100-degree day. So what do my kitties do......?
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09 July 2008

Back from the Left Coast...Gas Prices

I thought I'd add one last parting shot from our trip to San Diego. Just when you thought PA gas prices at $4 per gallon are awful...check out the photo.
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06 July 2008

Greenhouse Progress...The Glass is IN!

Here's another quick video of the greenhouse. We have most (not all) of the glass in now. It's probably hard to see in the video, but it has been a lot of work. It may look odd with the blue painters tape on the glass, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to walk into the glass after a week of getting used to just walking through the wall openings...

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