25 May 2008

Greenhouse Progress..

Just wanted to pass on a photo of our latest greenhouse progress. I know it seems minor, but we've literally been stuck waiting for a break in the weather for weeks. Yesterday Carolyn and I finally poured the greenhouse floor. It's hard to see from this photo, but it came out really nice. Now we're on to the hard parts.
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23 May 2008

Graduation 2008 Continued...

Just a few more to share . Can you tell who the photogenic one is in our family?

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18 May 2008

Graduation 2008...

Thank you to everyone for sharing our special day with us. It's not the greatest photo, but here's a pre-ceremony shot from Carolyn's cell phone.

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15 May 2008

Smart Kitty...

Guess where Zooey goes when the weather turns cold?
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01 May 2008

Care to Comment??

I love reading comments on the pictures & video I post...so please comment. So now you're asking, "How do I comment?" Well it's pretty simple. At the bottom of every post is a link that says "Comments (Click to read or post). Click on that link, a box will come up, type in your comment, choose your identity (you can be anonymous or use your gmail ID)...and Press "Publish Your Comment". I moderate the comments, so it won't appear immediately...but it will appear shortly.
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