24 April 2008

Greenhouse in a box...

Here's a little video of today's activity. It started with a tractor trailer parked in front of our house. For those of you who know where we live, that alone is quite an achievement. Then after unloading a thousand pounds or so (who's counting) of greenhouse, here's what we have. Check out the video and remember these boxes so that later when we show off the greenhouse you'll remember where it all started...Enjoy...

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23 April 2008

What's up with the addition...

Well the truth is...not much. We spent the winter applying Epoxy to the garage floor, moving the washer/dryer out, installing a door, putting in a slop sink, and we just started parking the cars in there in late Feb. This pictures serves as proof that I DID allow the new garage floor to get dirty! We spent the remainder of the winter $aving money for the spring projects. The good news is, the greenhouse arrives tomorrow. The bad news is, the greenhouse arrives tomorrow! Yes, we're installing it ourselves, and yes this should be "challenging". Pictures to follow...
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Kitty Time...

I know it's been a while since we've posted some kitty pictures...so here they are. This photo shows Zooey & Ebi performing synchronized-lounging.
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Square peg in a round hole....

Here's Ebi in her new favorite basket. Yes she seems to have a "thing" for wicker and yes you can fill in your own joke about a round cat in a square hole.

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beebers.com RSS Feed...

If you're interested in knowing exactly when beebers.com content changes or gets updated AND you know what an RSS/Atom/Feedburner feed is, you can subscribe to the beebers.com feed!

I've added a normal RSS feed. Click HERE to subscribe.

I've also added a standard ATOM feed. Click HERE or on the Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) link at the bottom of the page to subscribe to the Atom Feed.

Both will work for most "feed" readers like gmail/google-reader.
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New beebers.com blog !

Hi everyone and welcome to the new beebers.com blog. I decided to retire the old blog and build a new one using some much better tools. You can still find the old blog linked on the right hand side if you want to revisit any of the old pictures. I've also added links to our KittyCam, my web page and our photos web page on the right. Because I've started using new tools, its much easier to update the blog and post pictures...AND now each of you can actually post comments and contribute to the blog. I do moderate the comments, so they won't pop up immediately, but with these new tools you CAN participate...and I hope everyone does. Also with these new tools, the wife can also post messages and photos, so hopefully you'll see more of her out here also. The intent here is to have a place to post family events, photos and family news....so please contribute! By the way...you can click on ANY photo for a full size version!
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