24 December 2008

Ice at the lake - 24 Dec 2008

Santa brought a special surprise this morning for Christmas Eve.....ICE! And yes that's solid ice everywhere and a truck (and our snowplow) both stuck in the ditch. The guys literally had to crawl on hands & knees to cross the road. Nasty stuff...but thankfully it is changing to rain as I type this.

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Snow day at the lake - 19 Dec 2008

We had a day off and a ton of snow so I thought I'd pass on some video..

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14 December 2008

Kitty Christmas Video 2008

Merry Christmas from Zooey & Ebi !

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06 November 2008

OBX 2009 - We're Reserved!

So we're a little later than normal and I'm still awaiting the agreement contract, but OBX 2009 is locked in. We'll be in northern Whalehead (up above Barracuda St for those that know the area), it will be out 5th year wedding anniversary (wow did that go fast), and I'm open to ideas for this year's prank (although I actually enjoyed bleaching my hair last year) what this year's bracelet will say, how many cases of beer to bring and how many pounds of candy to pack. I thought I'd post up a little teaser photo of what our house's walkway looks like.....I can't wait!
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12 October 2008

Greenhouse Progress...We Have the Heat

It's been a while since we checked in with some greenhouse progress. Ironically enough, we've done nothing but greenhouse work all summer as far as house-work is concerned. As you can see we've added some shelves and moved some test plants out, and the big progress is heat. We've added a 35K BTU propane heater and a 5K electric heater. We've spent weeks building the mounting rack, and working out the propane line...and now we're ready for the cold season. Only propane prices and our budget will dictate how long we keep the greenhouse active this winter. I'll post a few pictures later. Right now we're trying to balance 100+ degree days and 45-degree nights...so no propane heat yet and auto-venting still on. Cooling during the day and heating during the night....quite a challenge.
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20 August 2008

Wife Caught Cheating with the Bex!

I'm sad to report that the paparazzi apparently captured a picture of my wife cavorting with David Beckham on the beach in North Carolina. I'm even more sad to report that she proudly posed with the Bex in front of our Wedding House on the very sand where we were married 4-years ago this Sat!
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17 August 2008

Back from OBX

It's always a tough transition to go from a week filled with eating and drinking in excess, to cold hard normality. Fortunately we have an 8-hour drive to help smooth out the shift. Yes we're home again with nothing but a suntan and some left over candy to show for our week in paradise. It was a very (add a few additional 'verys' here) good week...and it went all too fast. Despite grabbing vacation by the horns on Saturday and Sunday, the week slipped by un-noticed and our yearly journey to heaven is over until Aug 2009. Thanks to everyone for the sunsets, beers, hot-tubs, puzzles, music, candy, conversations, sandy-toes, salty-swims, unadulterated sun, wide white beaches, and pure blue skies....Cheers OBX 2008.

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29 July 2008

Counting the Days.....OBX 2008

For those of us that will soon be spending a week in paradise....I thought I'd post up a little teaser....I can't wait!

Click HERE for a little LIVE peek.

Click HERE for a little traffic peek.

Click HERE for a little weather peek.
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20 July 2008

Summer @ the Lake and the Greenhouse Tour

It's been incredible weather at the lake, day after day in the 90's and blue skies. I thought I'd do a quick movie to show everyone not only the summer at the lake, but also what we've been doing all summer....building a greenhouse.

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Meow and meow on a hot summer meow...

It's been hot. So imagine if you will wearing a fur coat year round on a 100-degree day. So what do my kitties do......?
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09 July 2008

Back from the Left Coast...Gas Prices

I thought I'd add one last parting shot from our trip to San Diego. Just when you thought PA gas prices at $4 per gallon are awful...check out the photo.
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06 July 2008

Greenhouse Progress...The Glass is IN!

Here's another quick video of the greenhouse. We have most (not all) of the glass in now. It's probably hard to see in the video, but it has been a lot of work. It may look odd with the blue painters tape on the glass, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to walk into the glass after a week of getting used to just walking through the wall openings...

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30 June 2008

Greenhouse Progress....Part 2 The Video

Since our yard slopes away from the new greenhouse, I decided to do a quick video so everyone can get a perspective of the greenhouse relative to the yard and lake. This video was taken from our deck, and as you can see the roof & purlins are installed and the siding & flashing are in place.

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Greenhouse Progress....Part 2

We spent a full-day Sat attaching the greenhouse to the house. Lots of work, lots of planning, lots of exercise and a little bit of luck...and the frame is up. Here's a photo as proof... Hard to tell in the picture, but there's no roof and no glass installed yet and the siding is still ripped apart. It was a lot of work getting the wood attached to the concrete, and cutting the siding to get the wood attached to the house. Still a long way to go in the form of 800lbs of glass, but this is tremendous progress. Thanks Ned.
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27 June 2008

Back from the Left Coast...High Tide Jail

This is what the beach looks like just South of Encinitas. Very rocky-cliffs and as you can see from the photo (looking north), you can end up in high-tide-jail if you're not careful.
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24 June 2008

Back from the Left Coast...Fire

We did a little tour of the Rancho Santa Fe area on our way back from Escondido. As you'll remember, this area was hit hard by wild fires. It's an area with huge canyons and incredible homes. Sadly, as the photo shows, many of these houses are now gone...and yes that's a bath tub.
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23 June 2008

Back from the Left Coast...Frisbee Golf

We had a great time playing Friday happy-hour Frisbee Golf. Perhaps the picture might give away why it ended up being so much fun. Sadly, despite me thinking I can really throw a frisbee pretty far, I was a lightweight compared to the guys that were able to get the disc to roll. In the end I was 2 over par and I believe the winner was something like 7 under par. Needless to say it was fun and a really beautiful park in Rancho Santa Fe.
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20 June 2008

Back from the Left Coast...Beer Festival

Here are Carolyn and I (hopefully the only photo you'll see of me), at the Carlsbad Beer festival.
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19 June 2008

Back from the Left Coast...The Mother-Ship

Here are the ladies at the "self-realization" center...or what they call the mother ship. These gardens were amazing, and had quite an amazing view of the ocean too. The second photo is their famous Conestoga Pine. This pine is pretty huge and done in Bonsai-style.

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18 June 2008

Back from the Left Coast...San Diego Zoo

These guys are huge...but cute...but why is he staring at me?

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17 June 2008

Back from the Left Coast...

Here are our Happy Hosts @ the Posiedon beach front restaurant.

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16 June 2008

Back from the Left Coast...Beachtime!

We're back from our trip out to visit Sharon & Dave in San Diego, so I thought I'd post a few photos. This is Encinitas Beach, just down the street from Dave & Sharon's. Notice anything wrong? Look carefully...the ocean is on the wrong side of the land. Stay tuned....I'll add more photos from the trip...

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25 May 2008

Greenhouse Progress..

Just wanted to pass on a photo of our latest greenhouse progress. I know it seems minor, but we've literally been stuck waiting for a break in the weather for weeks. Yesterday Carolyn and I finally poured the greenhouse floor. It's hard to see from this photo, but it came out really nice. Now we're on to the hard parts.
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23 May 2008

Graduation 2008 Continued...

Just a few more to share . Can you tell who the photogenic one is in our family?

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18 May 2008

Graduation 2008...

Thank you to everyone for sharing our special day with us. It's not the greatest photo, but here's a pre-ceremony shot from Carolyn's cell phone.

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15 May 2008

Smart Kitty...

Guess where Zooey goes when the weather turns cold?
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01 May 2008

Care to Comment??

I love reading comments on the pictures & video I post...so please comment. So now you're asking, "How do I comment?" Well it's pretty simple. At the bottom of every post is a link that says "Comments (Click to read or post). Click on that link, a box will come up, type in your comment, choose your identity (you can be anonymous or use your gmail ID)...and Press "Publish Your Comment". I moderate the comments, so it won't appear immediately...but it will appear shortly.
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24 April 2008

Greenhouse in a box...

Here's a little video of today's activity. It started with a tractor trailer parked in front of our house. For those of you who know where we live, that alone is quite an achievement. Then after unloading a thousand pounds or so (who's counting) of greenhouse, here's what we have. Check out the video and remember these boxes so that later when we show off the greenhouse you'll remember where it all started...Enjoy...

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23 April 2008

What's up with the addition...

Well the truth is...not much. We spent the winter applying Epoxy to the garage floor, moving the washer/dryer out, installing a door, putting in a slop sink, and we just started parking the cars in there in late Feb. This pictures serves as proof that I DID allow the new garage floor to get dirty! We spent the remainder of the winter $aving money for the spring projects. The good news is, the greenhouse arrives tomorrow. The bad news is, the greenhouse arrives tomorrow! Yes, we're installing it ourselves, and yes this should be "challenging". Pictures to follow...
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Kitty Time...

I know it's been a while since we've posted some kitty pictures...so here they are. This photo shows Zooey & Ebi performing synchronized-lounging.
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Square peg in a round hole....

Here's Ebi in her new favorite basket. Yes she seems to have a "thing" for wicker and yes you can fill in your own joke about a round cat in a square hole.

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beebers.com RSS Feed...

If you're interested in knowing exactly when beebers.com content changes or gets updated AND you know what an RSS/Atom/Feedburner feed is, you can subscribe to the beebers.com feed!

I've added a normal RSS feed. Click HERE to subscribe.

I've also added a standard ATOM feed. Click HERE or on the Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) link at the bottom of the page to subscribe to the Atom Feed.

Both will work for most "feed" readers like gmail/google-reader.
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New beebers.com blog !

Hi everyone and welcome to the new beebers.com blog. I decided to retire the old blog and build a new one using some much better tools. You can still find the old blog linked on the right hand side if you want to revisit any of the old pictures. I've also added links to our KittyCam, my web page and our photos web page on the right. Because I've started using new tools, its much easier to update the blog and post pictures...AND now each of you can actually post comments and contribute to the blog. I do moderate the comments, so they won't pop up immediately, but with these new tools you CAN participate...and I hope everyone does. Also with these new tools, the wife can also post messages and photos, so hopefully you'll see more of her out here also. The intent here is to have a place to post family events, photos and family news....so please contribute! By the way...you can click on ANY photo for a full size version!
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