08 March 2011

Frank’s Last Birthday Movie

Thanks to Sharon for creating this…

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11 January 2011

Got Stone !?

Seems like this office-project has been dragging on for years (probably because it has), but it's nice to finally see some concrete progress (pardon the pun).

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26 December 2010

100 Years of Photography Genes


William Henry Morgan would be jumping for joy if he knew the negatives from the photos he took back in 1917 would be spending time in the dark-room with his great granddaughter Kelly Elizabeth.  I wonder if he knew when he setup his wooden tripod to take this picture that the negative and the love of photography he held so dear, would both find their way down into future generations.  By the look on his face in this picture, I suspect he did.

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29 November 2010

New Camera–New Photos

One sister got a new camera…and one sister likes having her picture taken.  See if you can guess which is which.

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22 October 2010

OBX 2011 is BOOKED!!!

IMG_2366 I’m excited to say that our 2011 OBX house is booked!  Now I can spend the remaining 300+ days building my excitement to a fever pitch.

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07 October 2010



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24 August 2010

OBX 2010

IMG_2406 I’m sad to say our week in paradise slipped by all too fast.  We greeted OBX 2010 with a beer on the beach, and before we blinked…the week was gone.  Thank you to everyone for another great week in OBX.  And now….let’s start planning OBX 2011!

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03 August 2010

Resolven Wales

For those of us that went on the trip and for those family members trying to get some idea of what St David’s church was like, clicky HERE.

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21 July 2010

Wales 2010 - The Movie

Here's a little peek at our recent UK trip. This movie is courtesy of Miss Kates and I think she did a great job. Thank you Kates!

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